Author: Adam Keller

  • Public Education in the Alabama Legislative Session

    Public Education in the Alabama Legislative Session

    Public schools are the cornerstone of a community and critical to a democratic society. And yet, across the country and right here in Alabama, public education is under attack. We’ve already mentioned efforts like the divisive concepts bill, which directly targets educators and their ability to teach truthfully while also pushing offensive, ridiculous narratives about…

  • BREAKING: Amazon Hit with Labor Board Complaint in Bessemer

    BREAKING: Amazon Hit with Labor Board Complaint in Bessemer

    The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) today issued five complaints against Amazon, including one in Bessemer, Alabama.  From the NLRB: “The complaints alleged that the employer promulgated and selectively enforced an unlawful “off-duty access” rule that banned employees from the employer’s facilities when not on shift. Among other remedies, the complaints seek rescission of the…

  • Alabama Political Engagement – Part 2: Moving Forward

    Alabama Political Engagement – Part 2: Moving Forward

    One thing that always comes through to me in the AL Democratic Party conversations I’ve observed and participated in is that neither of the two apparent main factions that have quarreled over the years seem all that interested in engaging labor, the left or for that matter, most anyone under the age of 50. We’ve…

  • Alabama Political Engagement – Part 1: Examining Conditions

    Alabama Political Engagement – Part 1: Examining Conditions

    Over the course of The Valley Labor Report, we’ve hosted numerous conversations about the state of the Alabama Democratic Party, including conversations with Chair Randy Kelley, Vice-Chair Tabitha Isner, and SDEC activists. We also had an illuminating conversation with Mark Dudzik about the U.S. Labor Party effort during the 1990s. It’s in that context I…

  • The Valley Labor Report Visits Birmingham

    The Valley Labor Report Visits Birmingham

    n Sunday, April 16th, supporters gathered at CWA 3902’s hall in Birmingham for a special live presentation of The Valley Labor Report. The fundraiser was hosted by the Youth Caucus of the Alabama Democratic Party State Executive Committee. It was a fun afternoon and we truly appreciate Haley and Josh from the Youth Caucus for…

  • “Not what I would call bold:” Analysis of the Alabama House Democrats Legislative Agenda

    “Not what I would call bold:” Analysis of the Alabama House Democrats Legislative Agenda

    emocrats in the Alabama House of Representatives held a press conference on March 6, when they unveiled their legislative agenda. The AL House Democratic Caucus is calling their legislative agenda the “Plan for Prosperity” and if they said it once, they said it 100 times that it is a “pro-growth” agenda.  If you read the…

  • Explosive Allegations Revealed About Huntsville City Schools Leadership

    Explosive Allegations Revealed About Huntsville City Schools Leadership — a website that just went live this past week — contains explosive allegations against Huntsville City Schools (HCS) and its leadership, including allegations of abuse and coverup, corruption and profiteering, mismanagement, and much more. And according to the locals behind the incriminating website, “this is just the beginning,” as tips are reportedly trickling…

  • BREAKING: Huntsville School Bus Drivers Unionize with Teamsters

    BREAKING: Huntsville School Bus Drivers Unionize with Teamsters

    n March 8, 2023, school bus drivers in Alabama’s largest city made history by unionizing with Teamsters Local 402. With a resounding 131 yes to 6 no margin of victory, the nearly 200 drivers contracted by Huntsville City Schools are now officially organized with the Teamsters. Since 2018, Apple Bus, based out of Missouri, has…

  • Solidarity, Not Bigotry

    Solidarity, Not Bigotry

    n state capitals across the South and around the country, reactionary legislators are targeting LGBT folks, they’re targeting women’s rights, they’re targeting intellectual freedom, and cranking out a whole slew of other backwards proposals that seem intent on making life harder for already vulnerable groups of people while increasing division within our society. As working…

  • What to do if your boss calls you into the office

    What to do if your boss calls you into the office

    o you’ve been called into the boss’s office…and it ain’t to exchange pleasantries! Do you think the meeting will lead to discipline? Is this an “investigatory interview” being conducted? Are you working under a union contract? Are you a public school employee in Alabama? Or are you working in a place without any union protections?…

  • The Multifront War on Public Education

    The Multifront War on Public Education

    r. Lois Weiner spoke with Adam Keller and Jacob Morrison on The Valley Labor Report on February 4, 2023 about the multifront war on public education. Dr. Weiner is a longtime educator, activist, and scholar. She has worked as a researcher, a teacher, and an education professor. She’s the author of regular articles and multiple…

  • More Unionized Football On The Way?

    More Unionized Football On The Way?

    rofessional spring football is heating up, with the revived XFL’s season already underway and the USFL opening its season next month. Now, XFL players seek to follow in the footsteps of their brothers in the USFL and form a union. According to a March 10 release from the United Steelworkers, XFL players “have filed a…