
  • Last Week in Southern Labor: 1/24 – 1/31

    Last Week in Southern Labor: 1/24 – 1/31

    Here’s what workers in the US South and the colonies were up to from January 24 to 31 New Campaigns Campaign Updates Election Results Settlements, Grievances, & Unfair Labor Practices Strikes & Bargaining Political & Legislative Internal Union Affairs

  • Boss Watch: 1/24 – 1/31

    Boss Watch: 1/24 – 1/31

    Illegal activities of Southern Bosses for the weeks between Friday, January 24, and Friday, January 31 We mentioned last week that enforcement actions against employers would likely slow down, and slow down they have. Since last week, there have been no announced enforcement actions, new investigations, or resolutions of cases. The only announcements from the…

  • Why Kentucky Beat Back a Favorite MAGA Policy

    Why Kentucky Beat Back a Favorite MAGA Policy

    Jason Bailey is just one among a majority of Kentuckians celebrating the recent defeat of a Republican-backed bill in the state that would have introduced a school voucher program — a move Republican lawmakers across the United States have been aggressively pushing for in recent years. Bailey is not only celebrating, but was also directly…

  • Last Week in Southern Labor: 1/17 – 1/24

    Last Week in Southern Labor: 1/17 – 1/24

    Here’s what workers in the US South and the colonies were up to from January 17 to 24: New Campaigns Election Results Strikes & Bargaining Political & Legislative Internal Union Affairs Listener Submissions

  • Boss Watch: 1/17 – 1/24

    Boss Watch: 1/17 – 1/24

    Illegal activities of Southern Bosses for the weeks between Friday, January 10, and Friday, January 17 Important Note The way that we’ve been compiling this newsletter over the years has been pretty simple: we’ve checked federal agencies tasked with enforcing worker protection laws and included their press releases about instances where they’ve begun or concluded…

  • Railroad Workers Lament the Crack Up of Rail Labor Coordination in Bargaining

    Railroad Workers Lament the Crack Up of Rail Labor Coordination in Bargaining

    “I have to say: this is the most convoluted, dysfunctional negotiating debacle situation I have ever seen, nothing even comes close.” Mark Burrows, a retired rail worker who worked in the industry for 37 years and also served as the Organizer and Co-Chair for Railroad Workers United (RWU), is just one of many expressing their…

  • Last Week in Southern Labor: 1/10 – 1/17

    Last Week in Southern Labor: 1/10 – 1/17

    Here’s what workers in the US South and the colonies were up to from January 10 to January 17 New Campaigns Campaign Updates Election Results Strikes & Bargaining Political & Legislative Internal Union Affairs

  • Boss Watch: 1/10 – 1/17

    Boss Watch: 1/10 – 1/17

    Illegal activities of Southern Bosses for the weeks between Friday, January 10, and Friday, January 17 Florida Killer A U.S. Department of Labor investigation determined a Mulberry phosphatic fertilizer manufacturer failed to follow required safety standards, leading to the tragic loss of a 29-year-old process operator in July 2024.  Investigators with the department’s Occupational Safety…

  • Last Week in Southern Labor: 12/20 – 1/10

    Last Week in Southern Labor: 12/20 – 1/10

    Here’s what workers in the US South and the colonies were up to from December 20 to January 10 New Campaigns Election Results Settlements, Grievances, & Unfair Labor Practices Strikes & Bargaining Political & Legislative Internal Union Affairs

  • News & Announcements for the New Year

    News & Announcements for the New Year

    Hey yall – with the start of the New Year we’re getting back into the swing of things, and I wanted to take the time to do some house cleaning stuff.  First of all, I want to thank everyone who donated to our fundraising campaign again. Because of your generous donations, we have been able…

  • Boss Watch: 12/20 – 1/11

    Boss Watch: 12/20 – 1/11

    Illegal activities of Southern Bosses for the weeks between Friday, December 20, and Friday, January 11 South Carolina Thieves More than 600 temporary agricultural workers are entitled to their share of more than $132,000 recovered by the U.S. Department of Labor from a Ridge Spring employer that illegally deducted money from their wages for political…

  • Last Week in Southern Labor: 12/6 – 12/20

    Last Week in Southern Labor: 12/6 – 12/20

    Here’s what workers in the US South and the colonies were up to from December 6 to December 20 New Campaigns Election Results Settlements, Grievances, & Unfair Labor Practices Strikes & Bargaining Political & Legislative Internal Union Affairs