n Thursday, March 9, from 6pm-7:30pm CST, join Citizens Coalition for Justice Reform (CCJR) as they continue their Community Series by hosting a virtual event with Huntsville Bail Fund. Huntsville Bail Fund will share updates about their policy campaigns and the actions community members can take to get involved. The event is free though RSVP…
Madison City to transition to Council-Manager form of government
n the latest broadcast of The Valley Labor Report, Jacob Morrison and Adam Keller had another chance to sit down with Madison City Council watcher Tryston Gilbert. Gilbert has become a regular guest on the show as TVLR’s own “reporter” of sorts, keeping us apprised of all of the “exciting things” taking place at the…
Conservative talk show host violates Federal Law on the air
he Valley Labor Report (TVLR) shares the WVNN airwaves in North Alabama with Conservative talk radio host Dale Jackson (The Dale Jackson Show). And from time to time, Jackson — an employer — will go on power trips and tirades against the working class while on the air. One such recent “power trip” could end up…
OPINION: Alabama Schools under GOP Rules
n the aftermath of the Great Recession, the GOP took control of a supermajority of the Alabama legislature along with control of the executive and judicial branches. The results were as destructive as they were predictable: some of the steepest funding cuts in the nation, the legalization and spread of charter schools, private school vouchers…
Will Senator Tuberville support workers or crime?
ootball coach turned Republican politician Tommy Tuberville has an opportunity to stand up for working people and the law. Elected in 2020, Alabama’s ranking Senator serves on the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee. It is in that capacity that Sen. Tuberville will be faced with a vote which could shake up not…
Yes, Republicans Want to Cut Social Security
epublicans reacted raucously last week when President Joe Biden relayed one of the most basic, fundamental truths about American politics during his State of the Union address: Republican politicians want to cut Social Security and Medicare. The word “liar” could be heard during this section of the speech multiple times, and the camera panned to…
MAXIMILLIAN ALVAREZ: Support The Valley Labor Report
uch like the labor movement itself, the “labor beat” in this country is nowhere near what it used to be in decades past, when most newspapers had designated labor sections and/or full-time reporters covering labor issues. It has been genuinely encouraging to see in recent years this minor explosion in quality labor reporting, and in…
HARVEY J. KAYE: Support The Valley Labor Report
e should cherish and support THE VALLEY LABOR REPORT. We know we cannot depend on corporate-owned mainstream media to speak truthfully of labor’s story and to promote a greater awareness of the fact that the only force that can redeem, renew, and advance American democratic life is the labor-union movement. And we know, as well,…
DAVID STORY: Support The Valley Labor Report
n 1987 the Reagan Administration abolished “The Fairness Doctrine” which had required networks to allow equal access for dissenting political views. Prior to that this had balanced the media so indoctrination of one specific ideology wouldn’t occur. Since that abolishment the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, Savage, the list is endless, have dominated talk radio…
The workforce benefits of Medicaid expansion in Alabama
or nearly a decade, Alabama has been outside looking in on a good deal. While hundreds of thousands of Alabamians continue to struggle without health insurance, state leaders have failed to expand Medicaid. A few loud voices have politicized an issue that never should have been political. And our state has paid the price in…
Despite Starbucks’ Union Busting Actions in Alabama, Tuberville Refuses to Join Colleagues in Demanding Answers
Over the course of 2022, many thousands of Starbucks partners joined together with their coworkers to push for better working conditions, with over 350 locations holding union votes–but in spite of the protections the National Labor Relations Act attempts to guarantee, the workers have been met with tremendous retaliation. In response, Senator Bernie Sanders, as…
We Have a Favor to Ask You
e’ve got big dreams for TVLR. Workers in the South need media built for them, by them. Media that reports on issues of importance to us, lifts up our stories, and analyzes the news from a workers perspective. We need media organizations that care about organization and our collective power, and that serves as a…