Conservative talk show host violates Federal Law on the air

he Valley Labor Report (TVLR) shares the WVNN airwaves in North Alabama with Conservative talk radio host Dale Jackson (The Dale Jackson Show). And from time to time, Jackson — an employer — will go on power trips and tirades against the working class while on the air.

One such recent “power trip” could end up being very costly for him, in a legal sense.

TVLR host Jacob Morrison reported on the show last week that Dale Jackson violated Federal Law on the air, while going on a bizarre tirade against Amazon workers.

“Any challenge to [bosses’] perceived authority is met with indignation,” Jacob said. “And last week on The Dale Jackson Show… [Dale] allowed that indignation to take him so far that he violated Federal Law, live on the air.”

A pretty severe claim to make, but Jacob was quick to back it up with evidence in the form of a recording taken from Dale’s show. “There is a revolt taking place at Amazon right now, because people don’t want to go back to work… the CEO wants them to show up in the office at least three days a week…” Jackson says, in the recording. “I have to laugh at the workers… Amazon employees are very upset, some are even drafting petitions. I don’t even get that. Would you ever present your employer with a petition? Just the idea just sounds so, so foreign to me… If the people that work for me got together and signed a petition and tried to pass it around publicly? That’d be the list of people that get fired next time the layoffs come around.”

That last sentence, in particular, is cause for alarm, at least to any workers who know their rights under the National Labor Relations Act. “Maybe he’s a fine boss,” Jacob said, after reviewing the recording, “but he did break Federal Law… To say that, if you get a petition, that’s going to be the list of people you fire in the next round of layoffs — that is a violation of Federal Labor Law, that is a violation of the National Labor Relations Act.”

Co-host Adam Keller was quick to find a ‘bright spot’ in the whole ordeal: “I will hand it to him in this sense, he at least set it out loud.”

Watch the full clip of Jacob and Adam listening and reacting to Dale Jackson’s incriminating tirade on YouTube: