Climate-concerned citizens invited to free training in effective advocacy on March 11 in Madison

olunteers with the Huntsville, Alabama chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby are hosting a Climate Advocate Training Workshop to empower everyday folks to enact tangible change to reduce the heat-trapping climate pollution warming our world.

The session on Saturday morning, March 11, 2023 in Madison Public Library is free and will teach citizens how to successfully advocate for federal policy, natural climate solutions, and local initiatives that will reduce carbon emissions and build bridges, both in Congress and our community.

Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is a nonprofit grassroots organization that aims to build political will for bipartisan climate change solutions through respectful relationships with lawmakers.

The 3-hour training will familiarize participants with productive, open conversations about climate change, and give an overview of how they can meet and talk to their members of Congress about climate concerns. They will also gain useful skills for highlighting the issue and solutions to local community members, leaders, and media outlets.

“So many people want to see action on climate, but they are at a loss as to what they can do,” said Debbie Chang, CCL Huntsville group leader. “We are providing this free training to show our community that we can make a difference by advocating for achievable climate solutions. Our leaders have options available to them that can slow the climate pollution harming Alabama, but they need to know it is important to us.”

“Worsening heat waves, more violent storms, and a growing number of crop-killing  pathogens threaten farmers’ livelihoods. Recent extreme weather has cost the American military billions of dollars in damages, and threatens the health and safety of our military personnel who serve overseas.”

“We can help protect our community from the unpredictable impacts of climate change, such as extreme heat or flooding. This workshop will break the myth that we can’t make a difference and will inspire attendees to be the change they want to see in the world.”

The Valley Labor Report encourages dialogue between the labor movement and the environmentalist/climate activist community. It is only through working together that we can respond to the monumental crises facing working class people and the planet. Organizer Debbie Chang told TVLR’s Adam Keller that “[m]y favorite thing about CCL– and this may speak to your audience– is that we educate our members to harness their own personal and political power. The best thing I’ve learned from CCL is how to organize and how to foster leadership in other people, building our chapter and our organization’s collective power.”

All are welcome to attend. Since refreshments will be served at the March 11 meeting, participants should register online at or RSVP  with 

For more information, visit

Local Contact: Debbie Chang,

The above article is based on a February 2, 2023 release from Citizen’s Climate Lobby.